How I Became Anti-Vaccine. 

Why are people anti-vaccine? From everything we have been told and taught to believe, it seems nonsensical.

I want to share with you my personal story about how I went from pro-vaccine (believing in the effectiveness of vaccines and vaccinating my child) to anti-vaccine (believing that the harm of vaccines greatly outweighs any perceived benefits).

For several years before and after the birth of my first child, I was unsure. I felt caught between different sources of conflicting information that I thought to be credible. But I knew too much to fully believe what we were always told – that vaccines were 100% “safe & effective”.

I chose a delayed and selective vaccine schedule for my son. I was torn between the risk of a “preventable” disease and the risk of vaccine injury. I didn’t know as much as I do now.

after_vaxThe first time he received vaccines, at 4 months of age, he was somnolent for 4 hrs following the shot – awake but out of it. I was worried, because it wasn’t like him to be awake and not fully alert… but I felt some relief when he seemed to be back to himself later that day.

A month later I went in to get him two more shots (Prevnar & Hib). It was then that I found out the nurse had given him a vaccine for which I did not give consent. I was livid. At the previous appointment I had requested a DTaP-only shot. The nurse said it was available but scoffed and rolled her eyes at me for not wanting to give him the rest of them, and tried to pressure me to give him the rotavirus vaccine. She ended up giving him Pediarix – DTaP, Polio, HepB in one shot – while my husband and I sat there believing she was administering DTaP. Pediarix contains high levels of aluminum and I had intended to avoid it.

Three days after that second set of vaccines, my son started showing signs of having neurological damage – he developed some kind of head tic, which looking back, appears to have potentially been non-febrile seizures (no fever). I didn’t connect it to the vaccines at the time. I didn’t know that both Prevnar (pneumococcal) & Hib contain aluminum. I didn’t know that aluminum has been linked to tics in scientific studies. I didn’t know that aluminum reduces the concentration of magnesium in the central nervous system, which can lead to tics, nor that it destroys nerve cells in the brain – and that this was happening to my 5 month old son. But I know now.

I was still naive, ignorant, and fearful of diseases for the next year of my son’s life. I was caught in between the risks of the diseases and the risks of the vaccines. I was concerned about whooping cough, so he received two more doses of DTaP. But as he got closer to two years of age, I started getting more and more concerned about his development. He had several symptoms of being on the spectrum. Language and speech delays, gross motor delays, cognitive delays (for example, he couldn’t understand how to answer a yes or no question until after he was 2 years old), he had sensory processing issues, he refused to let anyone, even me, hug or kiss him, he would bang his head on the couch and into people, sometimes the floor…

He would rarely look me in the eye or smile for pictures, when his younger cousin would immediately make eye contact and smile. He had a pretty vacant expression much of the time. There were many indicators, and I was honestly terrified as he grew older, that it would become more and more obvious to everyone else that he was not a neurotypical child. I don’t think anyone in my life knew how much anxiety this brought me.

At that point I chose to stop vaccinating him altogether and I started focusing on getting him eating well. I also began to educate myself on all of the toxic ingredients in the products in our home. Parabens, phenoxyethanol, methylchloroisothiazolinone. The list is long. Shampoo, soap, lotion, toothpaste… I threw them out. I started making my own deodorant and I began learning about essential oils and natural health. I started making him fresh fruit and veggie smoothies on a daily basis. I know that this had to have helped his system get a break from the onslaught of toxic substances in order to start to repair the damage to his brain and body.

Then my daughter was born and my son finally started being able to speak more than two syllables at a time. I found I had the ambition to dive head first into reading anything and everything I could find on vaccines, disease, and health, so I embraced it. I was obsessive about reading scientific studies from both sides and looking into the history and statistics of disease and disease mortality. I’ve never been so consumed with anything like I was with this. It was my sole focus besides being with and caring for my children. I spent hours – every spare moment – every day – reading. I’m not exaggerating… I would open my mouth to speak, and my husband would say, “Is this about vaccines?”

It was a rough time because he could not relate to my passion for the subject and he was trying to focus on supporting our family. He didn’t really have time to hear about every new detail I was piecing together. The aluminum, the mercury, the aborted fetuses, the chicken embryo cells, fetal bovine serum, casein (milk protein), monkey kidney cells (“vero cells”)… Then there was the constant flow of stories from mothers and fathers about their vaccine injured children. The stories about how their pediatricians refused to acknowledge that vaccines could have been a factor in the sudden decline of their child’s health, even though their child was perfectly healthy and happy prior to shots, and only hours after began screaming inconsolably for days – then suffered developmental delays, digestive issues, recurring ear or respiratory infections, food allergies (e.g. to casein, eggs, peanuts), etc.

There were way too many stories of infants dying shortly after vaccines and their deaths being labeled “SIDS” or “undetermined” by medical examiners who don’t even perform the proper autopsy testing necessary to rule out the impact of vaccines, nor would they give credit to the fact that genetic mutations can make children susceptible to vaccine injury and death.

There were so many stories of children getting a “measles -like” rash and a fever, shortly after receiving the live-virus measles/mumps/rubella vaccine… so many doctors refusing to diagnose measles, AS MEASLES, after the child was injected – with the live measles virus! Most parents don’t know that live virus vaccines can “shed”, like in the case of rotavirus or varicella (chicken pox) – or maybe they’ve been told that shedding is a myth. Yet, the MMR vaccine insert [page 5] states that live rubella virus can be swabbed from the nose of vaccinated individuals for 29 days post-vaccination. It’s been documented in the case of one vaccinated two-year-old, that it’s possible for a vaccinated person to carry and shed (and contract!) vaccine virus-associated measles five weeks after receiving the live-virus vaccine. But the one that takes the cake is the story of the man who shed the vaccine version of the polio virus for almost 30 YEARS.

Grandma got the pertussis vaccine and has become an asymptomatic carrier.

Then there are the stories of fearful, and sadly, very uneducated new parents, who faithfully follow their doctor’s advice, and believe they’re protecting their child by requesting or even demanding that relatives receive a pertussis vaccine prior to visiting their new baby. They don’t know that the DTaP & Tdap vaccines can make people asymptomatic carriers of whooping cough and that the FDA admitted it. [Edit: 04/2018. That is, until the FDA and NIH both removed the press release from their sites.] Actually, there’s a history of pertussis vaccine failure. For the DPT vaccine the CDC stated that, “vaccinated children may be asymptomatic reservoirs for infection.” And now the acellular DTaP (and Tdap) vaccine appears to be following suit. There’s even a new vaccine under development due to the failure of the current vaccine to prevent outbreaks.

To clarify the above, anyone who receives a pertussis vaccine can become infected upon contact with pertussis bacteria, exhibit no symptoms, and then unknowingly transmit that infection to other people, including newborn infants who are most at risk. At least if you haven’t received the vaccine, you’ll start to exhibit symptoms of being ill and know to stay away from a child. If you receive the vaccine, you’ll never know. The most tragic thing about it, is that the most important source of whooping cough infection in infants 6 months of age and younger, is not unvaccinated children or their relatives. It’s their 2-3 year old fully vaccinated siblings.

merck_explain Then there are the news stories and studies of  disease outbreaks in fully-vaccinated populations… Like this outbreak of whooping cough, and this outbreak of mumps. The efficacy of most vaccines is questionable at best. Merck is even being sued for greatly exaggerating the efficacy of their MMR vaccine.

But this is not something pediatricians tell parents at their child’s well-visits. Do they even know?

Then there’s the evidence that the death rate from “preventable diseases” had already dropped like a lead weight before the introduction of vaccines in the 60s. Pharmaceutical giants are content to keep people believing and spreading the historically inaccurate idea that vaccines were responsible for saving lives,
and not – mortality_declinebetter nutrition, the sewer system, sanitary living conditions, better hygiene, hand washing, food safety prep, cleaner water, environmental regulations, a better understanding of how to treat diseases and support the body, etc. The CDC even states that clean water was one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century because of how it contributed to the decline in disease mortality. But be careful, if you say that, you may get attacked. It’s not politically correct in a world of vaccine zealots to mention that anything else but vaccines could have contributed to saving lives from “preventable diseases”.

Then came learning about how these “preventable diseases” are actually treatable with modern medicine or even with just – better nutrition. Measles is treated with vitamin A. The severity of whooping cough can be greatly reduced with high doses of vitamin C. These diseases were hardly considered dangerous and rather more like a rite of passage for kids in the 50s & early 60s, and now we know so much more about how to treat them. But the fear-mongering in the media and from medical professionals is intense. And ridiculous.

And THEN came learning how these “preventable diseases” are actually beneficial to the immune system to contract and are linked to having a reduced risk of cancer

Pharmaceutical companies/vaccine manufacturers have been known to commit fraud and continue to push their deadly drugs even while knowing they’re killing people. And our government agencies seem to be heavily influenced, if not totally bought by the pharmaceutical companies. A group of more than a dozen senior scientists at the CDC came forward lodging an ethics complaint, alleging that their agency is being influenced by corporate and political interests, and that this corruption and “cooking” of results is the norm, not the exception. Another senior CDC scientist-turned whistleblower has come out declaring that he and other CDC scientists trashed data that would have revealed an autism-MMR link. [Watch Vaxxed.] The director of the CDC at the time, Julie Gerberding, knew about this cover up. And once the fraudulent study was published, Merck (maker of the MMR vaccine) rewarded her with a position as the head of their vaccine division. She is currently the Executive Vice President of Merck.

…What else am I going to learn about this issue that blows my mind even more? I keep learning new things each day. Still. To this day. Because I READ STUDIES – Studies that never see the light of day because the media will never report on it. And it amazes me how utterly brainwashed we have been to believe we can inject “health” – especially when these injections contain toxic levels of aluminum and mercury. It’s amazing that we think we know how to out-smart our biology, physiology, biochemistry, etc. That we think injecting pregnant women and babies with what reads like something out of a witches brew of ingredients – is NORMAL.

There’s more. And more. And more.

But it’s simply TOO MUCH to cover, TOO MUCH to share. There are so many more studies. Much more evidence of fraud by the CDC and pharmaceutical industry. 3+ years of daily reading and investigating this topic truly cannot be boiled down into one blog post, even though I’ve attempted to highlight the important points. I never imagined I would be such an activist for this cause, but my education in toxicology, my love for my children, and my intense passion for learning about science and health – has brought me to this point.

And – those of you who have seen all my posts on Facebook – sorry, for bombarding you with all of it. I really do know how controversial this is and that some of you are probably so annoyed that you have either un-followed or un-friended me. I have witnessed first-hand the hatefulness that posts about vaccines can incite. But I can’t help it and I can’t be quiet about it. Children are dying – being poisoned and damaged, developing chronic diseases – for what? To avoid having a fever and a rash for a week which can be treated with a vitamin? They may just get the disease from the vaccine anyway!

It may seem like I’m saying vaccines are pointless. But actually, there may be a reason for it all. Children who start life with bodies damaged and burdened with toxic substances can become a source of long-term profit for the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Why treat the underlying cause when you can prescribe a pill (or inject a vaccine) to mask symptoms while creating a new problem? Healthy people do not create profit for the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

I’ll leave it at this. People like to call the vaccine issue “the rabbit hole” – i.e. when you start to investigate vaccines, you feel a bit like Alice in Wonderland, not realizing that this journey you’ve started on will be so bewildering that your entire understanding of how the world works begins to change. When you start to read facts that challenge your world-view, what do you change? Clearly, you don’t change the facts. I am constantly reshaping my world-view based on new information. I still read evidence presented by those who maintain a pro-vaccine position. And yet the more I read, the more confident I am in the information I’m sharing with you today.

Ultimately, it is up to you to do the research for your family and make a decision. Don’t take my word for it. However, I hope that what I have shared here has been illuminating. I only care about the truth of the matter, because that is how I can best move forward to protect my child (and yours) from unnecessary harm. Thank you for reading.

In the words of Forrest Maready, I am pro-science. I am pro-health.

And for your children, and mine… I am anti-vaccine.


      • Love this!!

        I am anti vaccine myself. I worked in a pharmacy for over 4 years and it is all about $$$ with these companies.
        I was asked several times to get the flu vaccine and I refused everytime and I am glad I sticked to it!

        Many schools require vaccines. What do you recommend in these circumstances? Have you been in that situation?

        Is the DTaP vaccine the only one you recommend ?


      • I actually avoid all vaccines now. I was on the fence for so long while I kept reading and researching. When I vaccinated my son with DTaP, I was just concerned that whooping cough could be dangerous for young children… Now I understand that there are good treatment options if my child were to catch it, and the vaccine is not terribly effective anyway. Like I said in my post, it can make vaccinated individuals asymptomatic carriers if they come into contact with pertussis. So altogether with the aluminum content, it’s very risky in my opinion to get the vaccine.

        I would definitely get a religious or philosophical exemption if one is available, and if not, I would homeschool. There are so many good resources for homeschoolers and I’ve met single moms who do it. Hopefully the exemptions are available where you are.

        Glad you refused to get the flu vaccine! That one might be the worst of them all, next to gardasil.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Currently, religious exemption is available in all states except MS and WV (and fruity CA, but that’s recent). You go to the health dept to get the form, fill it out, get it notarized, and your all set. The schools don’t care a lick and just want a form for their files. They won’t hassle you. Easy peasy.


      • Within the last year I started doing my research on vaccines. I was in biology 101 in college and was asked if I was for or against vaccines. Then we had to give reasons why and cite them. I am 24 and have a 3 year old and one on the way. I could not be happier with my choice to not vaccinate anymore with all the research and studies I have found. My daughter is completely up to date on vaccines and hasn’t had any since her second birthday. Even though it’s been almost two years since she has had a vaccine, I still feel like she is sick constantly with so many health issues. I feel so guilty for not being prepared for this before I had her. I have now switched her doctor and will be on a new journey to opt out of vaccinations and hopefully I can be strong fighting this battle against people who consider themselves more educated than I am. Thanks for your page, it helps mentally strengthen me because then I don’t feel so alone.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Kudos to you for having the smarts and the courage to tell your story. And all the best to your son and your family. It takes a great deal of smarts, unbiased research and an unwillingness to be bullied and brainwashed to ‘convert’.

      Liked by 2 people

    • This is THE best article I have read talking about the journey to discover the TRUTH about vaccines. It was well-written and heart-felt. I can relate to your obsessiveness in reading clinical studies and books as I went down that road as well. I have staggered and declined vaccines in my boys and I feel stuck in needing to get them caught up by 7th grade so they can remain in school. I’m praying that mandatory vaccinations is overturned here in CA. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • We left CA in 2009, before this issue was on my radar. I know that CA typically sets the stage for other states, so it absolutely has to be overturned. Good to know you liked my post and could relate to my experience. Definitely look into foods and supplements that can help with improving detoxification and elimination of the aluminum, etc. Thanks for your kind words!! ♥️


    • Sorry your eyes were open through that experience. I also was pro vaccines and we learned the hard way. I continue to see my daughter’s suffer from my lack of knowledge at that time. Now I know better and I will continue to look for new ways to heal their bodies.

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  1. As a mom of a vaccine injured teenager, your words were a replica of my own.
    I didn’t make this anti-vaccine decision over night. It was a well studied, well prayed over decision.
    Thanks for posting.

    Liked by 2 people

    • They found natural mumps infection creates an antibody against ovarian cancer. It is hard to do any studies however because most people are being vaccinated and with these mandates pretty soon there will be no subjects to study. A shame that we could be losing this natural protection from cancer. Especially when you think that complications from mumps infection is so exceedingly rare according to the cdc.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for writing this candidly and with your whole soul! My journey into vaccine education started in 2011. To this day, I am in constant search for PRO studies, science, text that will overturn my ANTI stance but guess what, I never find them. My paper trail always leads me to Pharma and Money. Like you, I will continue to educate others, even if I’m not popular for doing so.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your story is very similar to mine in the progression of making the decision. The only difference is that my son, fortunately, showed no signs of reaction in his delayed and altered/limited schedule. It was when I, myself, became ill with cancer that my research put me over the edge. Thank you for sharing this – especially including all of the research links. Credibility is the toughest part to relay.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am curious about your nieces development. Did she have any delayed vaccines or were hers the standard variety? I ask because you make a comparison but I have not managed to figure out any difference between vaccinated vs unvaccinated siblings, relatives, etc.


    • Hi Heather, do you mean my daughter’s development? She did not receive any vaccines to my knowledge. And I have not had one concern about her development. Actually she has always seemed to be pretty advanced for her age.

      In general though, girls are not as susceptible to vaccine injury as boys are because estrogen has been found to be protective against the neurotoxicity of aluminum and mercury, whereas androgens (male hormones) enhance the toxicity. Genetics plays a role as well, but so does diet and other environmental factors to a lesser degree.


  5. Thank you so much for sharing! I feel so outnumbered as an “anti-vaxxer” that it is overwhelming at times. To know that there are other moms who don’t vaccinate is a relief. Just before I was born there was a vaccine death in my extended family ensuring that my brother and I would not be vaccinated and my son will not be either. Even though I have family on my side I have been berated by doctors and even members of my church family have called me stupid and told that my son will die because of my decision and he will infect everyone else in the nursery. (Side note: if their children are vaccinated what are they worried about? The vaccines must not work that well of they are worried.) Sorry this is so long but it’s nice to know other parents who agree with me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are so not out-numbered!! My oldest son had a horrible reaction to the MMR shot was hospitalized 3 times.. 45 minute seizure and….(gasp) got the mumps & measles! So fool me once vaccine industry you will not again! Our youngest is also a boy & has not had one! Our oldest still suffers from eczema, & allergies. Our youngest is NEVER sick! Do your research & if your friends & church friends were actually friends they would stand beside you! & there are plenty of docs out their who also don’t vaccinate and who won’t shun you! Promise! We are so glad we are anti-vaxxers & I can relate to this article so much! You are my people! Thank you thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Yes! We started selectively vaccinating until I read more and more information and scientific studies. Now I am deep in the rabbit hole and so thankful we were some of the lucky ones to avoid injury
    Keep spreading the word. Keep telling people the truth!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you for documenting your journey to becoming an anti-vaxxer. This is my journey too, excepting my son was severely damaged by the DPT shot and has an uncontrolled seizure disorder courtesy of modern medicine. Now that we know what we know, we have a responsibility to share this knowing with others. This too has become my life’s work. I didn’t anticipate this, but I feel compelled to let others know the damage being done to our children on a massive scale. This is a heroes journey. I’m honored to walk it with you all.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Ted. Thank you for choosing to devote your time and effort to this cause even though your son has already been damaged by this system. I’m honored to walk this journey with you too, with everyone who puts themselves out there to fight this fight.


  8. Your story is almost identical to mine (except for I had blind faith in vaccines & the medical community and so my first son’s issues were more abrupt with a week long hospital stay & fear of him loosing his life). But your obsession and entire journey following could nearly be mine word-for-word. Thank you for speaking out on this heart-wrenching issue ❤


  9. What the pro vax zealots try to ignore is that those of us who were anti vaccine were once pro vaccine…until. The gatekeepers of the vaccine paradigm will tell you that our child’s injury or regression was just a coincidence. Neurological problems just happen around the same time vaccines are administered. The have some parents believing that their children are much better off autistic then missing even a single shot. Most people don’t realize that these vaccine diseases only became “deadly” after the vaccine was introduced. When researchers of the meadles vaccine were asked why they were trying 5o eradicate a benign childhood illness that had almost already disappeared, their answer was..”because we can.” The hubris and ego of theses people along with the corruption of industry and government has led to the greatest tragedy ever to befall mankind. Keep on posting and educating. Even if you are just awakening one mind at a time, it will add up. There are more of us out there than the vaxinazis would have us believe.

    Liked by 5 people

    • When vaccines are administered as often as they are in a child’s life then it is easy for docs to claim, “this is normally when delays present themselves!” How convenient for the vaccine manufacturers.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Especially when the aluminum in vaccines can remain at the injection site for years as it slowly translocates to the rest of the body. Basically they’re causing a state of chronic low-dose aluminum exposure, into the blood stream and into organs like the brain. The neurological symptoms could manifest years after vaccines.


  10. Also, a healthy child who has measles, mumps and so on now has a life long immunity, not just 5 to 10 years… And, actually, adults are the largest group of unvaccinated since they do wear off, and the more likely to have a hard time going through these “diseases.”
    Eat real food. Go outside. Protect the gut bacteria.


  11. As someone who hasn’t spend much time researching vaccines, I appreciate the time and effort you put into your research! If I were to start, could you guide me in the right direction? I don’t want to just use google…but I don’t know where to start looking for unbiased articles and information. Any advice?


    • Yes! Why don’t you send me an email and I can give you some links and more information?

      I would start out looking into the ingredients and researching effective treatments for these diseases. Go to the website and type in the search bar “vaccine ingredients”. Should be the first result. Has great info. Use PubMed or Google Scholar to search for studies. Search, for example: “aluminum adjuvant neurotoxicity”.


  12. I’m one of the rare parents who never vaccinated. I researched (before the Internet, when you had to special request books from the library to do research, late 1980s), and decided against vaccination for my five children. Sometimes I got crap for it — one pediatrician wrote “mother combative” in my chart after what I thought was a nice conversation, though I did hold my ground politely. The good news is that there’s more awareness, and research is easier to find. The bad news is that people have been so brainwashed by the media that it’s very difficult to get them to even open their minds just a crack.
    PS My five kids enjoys ridiculous good health — I only have two living at home now, and besides sports injuries/physicals, between the two of them, there has been exactly one doctor visit. The 18yo went in for pinkeye when she was 4. The 12yo has never been in for illness. The only other kids I find that healthy are other unvaccinated kids.

    Liked by 3 people

    • That is so amazing and good to hear. It’s a tragedy that good health is so rare and unique these days. Ear infections, hand foot mouth, eczema, food intolerances and allergies – this has truly become the norm!


    • In 2000, I was released from a pediatricians office for not vaccinating. 4 month old developed spots all over his legs and was sick, after 1 round I knew it was wrong, but damn the pressure was strong! He was never vaccinated again, nor my other 2 boys.

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    • Hi Tammy, the link to the MMR package insert is in the body of my post, where I mention that the rubella virus can be swabbed from the nose of vaccinated individuals. Let me know if you can’t find it!


  13. Thank you for all the time and thoughtfulness you put into writing this. It’s exactly the piece I would like to have written, had I had the time and courage. It’s the first article I’ve read in a long time that doesn’t descend into wild unsubstantiated claims and hysteria — the exact sort of thing the pro-vax camp glams onto in their argument that we’re all a bunch of uneducated kooks. So, so well presented! I’ve been “down the rabbit hole” now for almost 10 years. It started as a simple research project into flu shots, then got serious in the months before our daughter was born. I’ve read everything, researched, bookmarked, re-read. Then, sadly, because we live in California (I did my best to stop the mandatory vaccination bill last year), we were faced with the choice: vaccinate our child for kindergarten, home school, or move out of state. We really had no choice, so opted for a carefully scheduled vaccination schedule. I can’t tell you the pain and heartbreak I felt as our little one sat there and got injected. But — and here’s the good news! — we worked with our brilliant team of naturopaths and other alternative healers to mitigate the short- and long-term effects of the shots. (A story for another blog!) Still, I watch my daughter with extra care these days, hoping, praying. I’m excited to read your next piece.

    Liked by 1 person

    • What a difficult situation to be in. I’m glad you are working with a team of natural practitioners to help eliminate the toxic burden and mitigate any potential adverse effects to her system. Definitely keep a close eye on her and if anything seems off, document it. Even if just for yourself, to remember and keep track. Thankfully, girls are usually better at withstanding any potential neurological damage. Thanks so much for your compliments, I’ll be writing more on the science of vaccines and vaccine injury in the future!


    • Go to and read about Vitamin C, I think there are 5 links on the scroll down list on the left side of the page. Also get the movie, that Andrew Saul made and his daughter shares what she did when she chose to vaccinate ( she and her brother never were) High doses of Vitamin c. and selective choices of which vaccines to allow. Vitamin C is a miracle “drug” with no side effects except good one. I never experienced sided effects from vaccines, THAT I KNOW OF because my children are grandparents now. I had whooping cough as did my cousin, the only side effect was that we missed a year of school because we got it when school started, then had to wait till the next year.

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  14. Thanks for writing this! I immunized my first daughter fully until her kindergarten shots and partially my second and before my son was born I really felt the need to start educating myself. I came up with a immunization schedule I thought I would be comfortable with but could never bring myself to immunize him. He’s 18 months and I am pregnant with our 4th child and my husband has never been fully been on board with the no immunizations so I really wanted to dive into the research. Would you happen to have any suggestions on what to read or where to start? Other than articles like yours and dr. Sears book I haven’t poured myself into the research like you, I just feel in my heart it’s not right for my family. I sat in a doctor’s office and sobbed because he made me feel like a terrible mom and even suggested that it may be a question of my faith which was so hurtful and wrong to me. It has nothing to do with my religious beliefs. When I went to go get my daughter’s immunization exemption for school because she wasn’t fully immunized I was pulled into a room with 3 other women while they hounded me on why I wasn’t immunizing. It really is just so crazy to me the way I’ve been treated over all of it. It’s so comforting to know there are people who are an advocate for this. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The way we are treated by vaccine zealots is just horrible. They have never really done the research themselves but will go on the attack anyway. I’m sorry you had to experience that! I would definitely read about the diseases themselves (Measles, mumps, whooping cough…) and learn what the treatments are. I would also spend time reading studies on aluminum and mercury, polysorbate 80, etc. (Search PubMed or Google Scholar.) Also – go to and search “vaccine ingredients”. They have a very informative list of the ingredients by vaccine and manufacturer.

      I know there’s so much information out there to sift through, but the big picture starts to become clearer and clearer as you go. Watch documentaries, listen to presentations. Dr. Blaylock, a neuroscientist has done a lot of work on aluminum and mercury excitotoxicity. Very interesting stuff and it explains a lot (including the disparity between male & female autism cases).

      Ultimately, listen to your instincts. I plan to cover more scientific aspects of the vaccine issue in future posts.


      • What is interesting is one societiey that do not vaccinate. ( the amish) and have no kids on the spectrum, and the other society is the Cubans, being held off from the rest obtuse world. They did vaccinate although they put no garbage in the vaccines , ie. Fetal tissue, metals etc. and they too have no kids that are on the spectrum. It does not take much to find out these truths . Keep informing yourselves with forums like this ! Excellent. Mother of three unvaccinated kiddos. All healthy!!

        Liked by 1 person

    • The multi-dose flu and meningococcal vaccines contain a toxic amount of ethylmercury. There are a few others which contain trace amounts. I’ve written a post about mercury in vaccines, posted just prior to this one, if you’d like to read it. Lots of references for more information.


  15. Great article! I’ve been researching the last few years, and have some vaccinated, some partially vaccinated, and one not vaccinated child. My husband has done no research, and believes the doctor knows best. So far we’ve been at a standstill, but know at some point he may push the issue. I try to pass along great articles to him. Have you done research on vaccine detox? I feel my one son has slight neurological effects from vaccines. Thanks for writing this!

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    • Thanks Amy! I have done some research on detoxification and I plan to write a blog post on it in the future, but I would look into vitamin C (lypospheric C), magnesium (magnesium threonate), and Quercetin (natural flavonoid) as far as supplements go. I would also say that eliminating inflammatory foods (gluten, dairy, processed sugar) is one thing that has greatly helped my son, plus juicing fresh vegetables. We mostly did carrot and apple juice because my son would drink it. But I like to sneak in spinach and other veggies. You could also look into Gerson Therapy. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


  16. I agree with you 150%!
    I constantly struggle with wanting to share what I’ve learned but not wanting to annoy people in the process. I feel like once you know these things, it is almost selfish to keep it to yourself but it also just rubs everyone the wrong way. I only wish that someone would have come to me and discussed the vaccine dangers when my 8-year-old was a baby. It took me YEARS to connect the dots.
    Anyway, awesome job getting the information out there without criticizing other parents in the process.

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  17. Thankfully, I do not have a vaccine injured child. We delayed until 18 months and have stopped vaccines for now. This post depicts my journey! It’s a burden to know the truth, but it’s worth it if it means my son will be healthier. Thanks for sharing!

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  18. Dear thinklovehealthy, I`m German living in Italy and mum of two little boys 4 and 2,5 years old. Reading you was amazing, like reading my own story. I know about that information obsession you are describing, not only vaccines, but like you food, beaty products a.s.o.. reading you really feels like talking to myself on the mirrow. Thank you for that, it is so good to know that there is someone else on the other side of the world, thinking and feeling exactly like me. This meens that today we aren`t anymore alone with our “mental confusion” but there is someone else being “crazy” in the same way. Good bless you dear

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    • Thank you so much for sharing that with me, Alessandra. My son is 5 years old and my daughter is 3. I’m so glad that you could relate to my experience and that you’ve done all the reading and research in order to do what you can to protect your children. ♥️


  19. I have a question about the tetanus shot for my older sons who are carpenters, cause recently one of them got hit in the face ! Had to go to ER ,and they pretty much scared me into thinking he needs a series of 4 shots !! Have you found that is false info too ??? We have not been giving them other shots , I home school !


    • Hi Inez! That is false information. If someone has been exposed to tetanus, the vaccine is no longer useful. The tetanus immunoglobulin is what would or should be administered instead (if there was legitimately a risk for it). Tetanus is one that most people seem to be misinformed about when it comes to what causes someone to be at risk. Rust is not the problem, it’s animal feces, and if the wound bleeds, it’s no longer at risk for contracting tetanus. Definitely look into it more! Sorry you had to deal with medical professionals trying to pressure you to vaccinate. It’s happened to me, it’s awful!


      • Thanks so much for your insight, I’m definitely going to keep on doing research, so I can have intelligent answers, when I’m put to the test !! What website have you found that has the best information??


      • You’re welcome. That’s a difficult question to answer because for me, I decided I needed to go straight to the source of the information (the studies). You can go to different websites for information – greenmedinfo has had some good articles, vax I believe is run by Marcella Piper-Terry. I would definitely follow her on Facebook for more information. has a lot of information but it’s not a super user friendly website, IMO. Lots of documentaries to watch – Vaxxed, Bought, The Greater Good, Trace Amounts… Any article I read – I check the references. Keep some skepticism until you see the references to support it.


    • Yes, tetanus is no longer available as a single dose shot. So if you get a tetanus shot, your actually getting a tetanus/whooping cough shot (DTap). Tetanus can only thrive in anaerobic conditions, which are highly unlikely. Even if that happens, they can administer immunoglobulin shot at the wound site. There’s really no need for this one in my opinion.


  20. We are headed as missionaries to Cameroon West Africa where there is still a lot of hepatitis and polio especially and where the yellow fever shot is required unless a pregnant woman gets a medical exemption which we will for my wife but probably not for the family. Based on your research which goes beyond what we have done, what certain shots might be useful to give our kids fit? We have six boys and two girls, and I am not as worried about giving shots spread out to 5 and 10 year olds As I Am To Toddlers and babies. I figure there are surely at least a couple of shots that would be wise for them to have in a third world country like this. My thoughts so far has been that they should at least get the polio and hepatitis A and B and maybe meningitis shots. The yellow fever is not a serious issue right where we will be living, but I think I will get it for the older kids probably since the medical exemption routine is a big hassle and they really do require that particular shot when you move between African countries as well. It lasts for about 10 years. The typhoid fever tablets that last for five years are the other serious consideration.


    • Charles – I cannot give any medical advice because I am not a doctor (have to make that disclaimer). If it were my family, I would spend a lot of time educating myself on the diseases that are prevalent in Cameroon and effective treatments (searching for scientific studies). I would bring with me those items that are able to treat the illnesses (things like lypospheric vitamin C, vitamin A or cod liver oil, clove, lemongrass, frankincense, and tea tree essential oils, colloidal silver, tinctures for parasites, etc.). Unfortunately I have not, in my research, found any solid (double blind placebo studies) and *unbiased* evidence that vaccines are effective in a way that will truly protect them from disease/illness. They do, however, have the ability to damage internal organs and burden the immune system, which would make it more difficult for the body to fight illness. I would absolutely bring a good stand-alone water filtration system, like a Berkey. I would focus heavily on nutrition, and prepare ahead of time to detox their bodies prior to travel. Magnesium/Epsom salt baths, CBD oil, Quercetin, nettle, vitamin C – on top of lots of fresh organic fruits and veggies. Bring hand sanitizer and keep it on you. You can make your own with aloe vera gel and tea tree, lemongrass, clove, and lavender essential oils. I would probably have my family try to switch to a diet of whole foods and avoid situations where cooked food can be contaminated or inadequately prepared. I can’t give you as much information about Hep A and B, because I haven’t researched those as in depth, but I personally wouldn’t do the polio or meningitis vaccines. And as a heads up, the multi-dose meningococcal vaccine contains quite a bit of mercury. Good luck to you, I wish you all well on your travels. And always – listen to your instincts and do what you believe is right for you and your family.


  21. This article couldn’t have come at a better time. My husband and I will be TTC soon and are at somewhat of a disagreement about vaccines. I am anti-vax and he is semi anti-vax. I have done a fair amount of research, and am constantly learning new things about vaccines. He is always in awe at my findings, yet still has that doubt. He struggles with the fact that these Doctors, who (for the most part) are very smart people, so why are they so clueless when it comes to vaccines?! Some of them are bought, some of them have had too much “cool-aid”, but what about the rest? Scared of tarnishing their name, scared of not being able to get another job, scared of being known as a “quack” doctor?

    This is a question that I struggle with too. Why are more doctors not questions vaccines? Why are they not doing more research on their own? Why are they not talking about this? and why is it that people like me, who have a full time job, very little free time, and no kind of medical degree know more than the doctors? It just doesn’t make sense!

    P.S. Just bookmarked your website and will be spending time pouring over your articles ❤ I love meeting others that share this POV

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  22. So well written. Thank you. My wife has gone down the same path. She researches this topic so much. At first I would listen a bit, then lend a deaf ear. Now I understand the situation quite well. It angers me. Our rights are being stripped because of the stupidity of the masses, the Constitution is being violated, the companies promoting the insidious industry make the laws to keep themselves from being sued, meanwhile our children are being killed or maimed. Where will it stop?
    We were fortunate that our boys had mild reactions, albeit my oldest son I believe came close to being pushed into the autism world.
    The only thing I think at this point that can be done is REQUIEE expecting mothers to read a pamphlet informing them of all the possible dangers that can happen with vaccinations. Then when enough people stop with the vaccinations, the laws can and will change too.

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  23. Thank you and Larry Cook who fwd your article to me. I started today donating to Larry’s campaign, which I urge everyone to do.
    This is one of the best articles I’ve read. Thorough, concise, and driving home the message in an empowering leadership kind of way.
    I guess people would say we’re luckier than some. My son is 17 years and healthy except for those annoying issues that I now know are vaccine related. Where do all those toxins end up in our bodies when they’re injected into our muscles. I guess they try to find a way out through our skin. I say this because my son has weird stretch marks that just showed up one day. When I I was researching the HPV vaccines I came across a mom describing her teen daughter’s symptoms and there it was – a description of the same weird stretch marks. That mom and daughter were told the daughter had limes disease, but the more the mom read about vaccines the more into shock she went.
    I knew intuitively I never should have agreed to vaccines for my son, but I allowed family pressure to rule the day until my son’s 18 mo visit when I finally said NO MORE. From that day onward I valued my intuition more than anything else in the world. When we don’t listen to that voice, we get into deep shit.
    All the best to all of you brave courageous loving parents who like me are spreading health and love and raising the bar where ever we go.

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  24. Yep. It’s true.
    And EVERYONE is in denial or OFFENDED when you tell them the link.
    My kids are non-vaccinated, and get sick everytime they come in contact with recently vaccinated kids. It makes me so mad knowing so many people are WILLING to believe the lies, instead of doing the research. I’m so angry with society

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  25. Thank you! This is so helpful! I have 4 children the first 2 were fully vaccinated :(. Then my 3rd recieved all her infant schedule but not the pre k. Then finally my 4th child has not had any at all and I plan to keep it this way! I am so gutted I was oblivious to this with my first children. What would you suggest to help to detoxify their system for a better long term health? My eldest is only 6yrs still so they are still quite young!

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  26. I have also been on this journey but I came to it in a very different way. I am in the UK. When my children were little I got them vaccinated, I believed and trusted health professionals and didn’t question them at all. It was only when the MMR and Dr Andrew Wakefield was in the media and my eldest was due his MMR in 2004 that I was a bit worried, deep down I knew there had to be truth in this so I delayed the vaccine until he was around 20 mths. Unfortunately back then I didn’t look into it further and I still got it done. He appeared to have no problems and I got his booster at four and his sister was also vaccinated up to age four. It wasn’t until my eldest was 8 when he was unhappy in school and I had had enough of the system that was slowly destroying him that I took him out to home educate. That was five years ago and his sister never went to school. I have made incredible friends and met so many like minded people, some of whom didn’t vaccinate. It wasn’t until I started to see that my own health wasn’t great and because of others and what they said about diet, gut health etc that I started to look into for myself. I cut out gluten and dairy and my symptoms went away, things I’d put up with for years. I felt like a different person both mentally and physically. I started to research gut health and that led me to vaccines and learning about true health. I never thought I would be against vaccines but the more I read the more I found like you. It can’t be ignored, all the evidence is there and the truth is heartbreaking. I then realised and made the link between vaccines and my own children. My eldest had eczema since he was a baby which I managed well and it wasn’t really bad until certain events one which I thought was starting school but looking back it was after the four yr old boosters. His behavior also changed at this time and he became aggressive and having meltdowns, which at the time I put down to starting school and being four. But my daughter was the same,she didn’t have eczema but age four she became aggressive and started having meltdowns, it couldn’t be school because she was home educated from the start. I now know it was the accumulative effect of their vaccines. I have since discovered they are both intolerant to gluten,dairy,soya which we have cut out as well as processed foods. We also have absolutely no chemicals in the house.The difference is incredible. My eldest had a flare up of eczema when he turned 13 and it was the worst he’d ever had. Cutting out these foods and it has gone completely,his skin is no longer dry but smooth and soft. Their mood and behaviour has changed dramatically, they no longer fight with each other or have those times of intense anger or upset. They are so much happier. My children will never have any more vaccines and when I have more children they will have none. Not even when we travel, which we have done a lot and will do more. Instead I continue to educate myself and my children about health and well being. Thank you for sharing this, I want to post it on my fb page but I am so worried as I don’t want to loose friends but feel that we should be sharing this and there are always others out there open to it who would want to know, I was one of those that wish I had. Love to everyone here xx

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  27. In southern Africa the main concerns are tuberculosis and polio and vaccination seems to be effective – do you know anything about those illnesses and vaccines? How do one go about finding out if they are effective and not too toxic? These illnesses do have lifelong consequences and are very hard to cure or prevent – at least that is being said. Will nutritional and natural remedies be effective?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would definitely research polio and the beginnings of it. The definition of polio appears to have been re-define after the vaccine came upon the scene and the testing for it changed as well. There are monkey kidney cells and formaldehyde in the polio vaccine among other potentially harmful ingredients. This is something you definitely have to dive into and research – take in all the information you find and listen to your instincts. You could also join a vaccine education group on Facebook and ask – you should get a lot of responses to help direct your investigation!

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  28. You just summed up everything that swirls around in my head everyday, thank-you for being articulate in your writing. I hope that your son keeps on improving. It’s funny that people quite often comment on how healthy and intelligent my children are but don’t think not vaccinating them and never taking them to a Dr has anything to do with it. Nutrition and Alternative Remedies are the way to go!

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  29. I’m surprised you didn’t mention SV40. This is the probably the greatest medical disaster in history. 120 million Americans were injected with a cancer causing virus that contaminated the polio vaccine from 1958-1963. The SV-40 virus is found in brain, bone, lung and non-hodgkins lymphoma tumors. After you study this, you’ll realize this is likely the best explanation for the origin of AIDS. It is a rabbit hole inside a wormhole to go down the SV40 tunnel. The polio vaccine is likely responsible for millions of deaths worldwide….

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, there’s so much more I could have mentioned. SV40, the aborted fetuses used in the development of vaccines, the billions of dollars paid out to vaccine injured families, the removal of liability from vaccine manufacturers, the financial incentives given pediatricians to make sure their patients are up to date on vaccines… The list goes on. Thanks for sharing the information here for others to investigate for themselves.

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  30. Thank you so much for posting this!! As i read this I was like, that’s me, that’s me…. Thank you for including links, this is very informative peace! And to all the haters out there… you can have an opinion about my childs health when you pay my bills!! I love you all

    Liked by 2 people

  31. Hello-ypu hav emade mention lf methylisothiazoline – a fungicide biocide and registered pesticide with the EPA that is used in many ( almost all) shampoos, dishliquids, liquid laundry soaps ( or its variant cousin benzisothiazolinone) . You also kention tha you have a Background in Toxivology.
    I would like to speak further with you . I al fascinatedbto recently fisvover that almond crops are highly treated with methylisothiazolinone and that this fungicide is used even in food crop pesticide formulations as well as baby shampoos and bubble baths and green surfacevsprays and all interior latex paints .it offgasses for weeks .
    It is toxic to daphnea – and its a contact alergen causing an epidemic of reactions across the developed workd as we speak. What else do you know about its interactions with zinc rlease and reactive ocygen spevies affe ts in the body? Google : Allergy to Isothoazolinone .

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rebekah, it’s been a while since I researched that particular compound, and I probably didn’t investigate it nearly as much as it seems you have. If I have time, I’ll try to look into it more. I knew it was in so many products and that I wanted to avoid it. But thank you for bringing it to my attention that almonds are treated with it! I have read that you have to be careful to get steamed almonds or else they’re sprayed. Does this apply to organic almonds as well? Does an organic almond even exist? Thanks


  32. I have been skeptical of vaccinations ever since my first daughter developed life threatening egg and peanut allergies. I never gave it much thought until then. Until I was forced to look at the ingredients in food, shampoo, lotion, make up, toys and art supplies, bird seed, garden soil, etc etc etc. Each time one of my kids (I have 3 now) has had to get a shot… I get so wrapped up in anxiety. My husband acknowledges the downfalls of vaccines, but he thinks the benefits outweigh the risks of getting a “preventable disease”. I don’t know how to change his mind. No matter how many links I try to share with him… he thinks they are all “quack” articles. 😦 My food allergy daughter (5 yrs old) was delayed her MMR booster because we wanted to see if she needed it. We paid out of pocket to have a titer done. Turns out she is immune to mumps and rubella… but not the measles. But you can’t just get a single measles shot. You have to get the three-in-one. She has a well child visit in January and I know they are going to want to push for her to get the booster. Thinking about it makes me sick. My husband insists she gets it (we’ve avoided up to this point because we are homeschooling and don’t have to have it for her to attend public school). I don’t know how to convince him… and the closer it gets to my kids’ birthdays and well-child appointments, the more anxious I get. I am going to share your post with him… and pray. Thanks for taking the time to post about it… (and for reading my long comment!)

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    • That’s such a very difficult position to be in. I hope he will be open to learning more. If I were you I would email him scientific studies and other undeniably reputable sources of information, maybe twice a week, so he can have a steady flow. Hopefully he’ll read them and he’ll begin to see why you take the position you do. Hugs Devon!


  33. Very nice article. I, too, have done hundreds of hours of research, with the same conclusions. I am not anti vaccine. I am pro safe and effective vaccines – which currently don’t exist. I am pro choice and pro freedom. And pro informed consent, and pro truth. And pro liability for the vaccine makers. I am also anti mandatory medical experimentation and forced medical procedures. Luckily, the truth is out there, but you won’t get it from those who profit and have conflicts of interest, such as the media, drug companies, most doctors, etc. You need to research from independent sources, such as this article. They usually have references, as this article does, for further research. Check places like VAERS, and CDC statistics, such as this chart about pertussis (lower right – notice who has the most cases – at 3+ doses over 5x as many cases compared to not vaccinated): – I put the link here because you might not believe it otherwise. For those who ridicule you for not vaccinating, give them that link. And this does not include all the other possible side effects of the vaccine itself. Most recent mumps outbreaks have been in fully vaccinated people. After doing your research, hope you will spread the word.


  34. Where is a good place to start reading about all this? I have always been pro-vax but my recent pregnancy and birth (a month ago), I have found myself questioning vaccines. My littlest is coming up for his first set of shots and I plan on telling his doctor no. However, I am nervous as to what will happen. Anywho, I enjoyed reading your blog. Would you happen to have a Facebook where I can follow and read the things you share?


    • Hi Tiffany, I plan to write my next post on where to start when it comes to learning about vaccines. Remember that you can always choose to vaccinate at a later date, but you cannot undo a vaccine that is administered. If you are breastfeeding, that is awesome natural disease protection. If you aren’t, that doesn’t mean your child will contract one of these diseases. One thing to know is that the statistics typically used to show how many people die of measles, etc. are not based on the U.S or first-world nations. They include countries where there is rampant malnutrition, no clean water, no sewer system, etc. Just be aware that it’s likely the doctor will try to pressure you to vaccinate by using scare tactics. I wrote another article on this topic on my blog. Would probably be good to read it ahead of time so that you’re prepared for what may happen. I do have a Facebook page “Think Love Healthy” that you can follow to see my future posts.

      In general I would start reading the vaccine information or package inserts, check out the ingredients, and educate yourself on the diseases and how they are treated.

      Thanks for reading, good to know you’re questioning and trying to learn about this before your little one receives so many vaccines at once. So many of us wish we could go back and educate ourselves before we ever let our children receive vaccines.


  35. Hello, thank you for the article. I unfortunately was ignorant to all of these issues when I had my children were infants. With that being said, my kids now each have a waiver… My youngest has the least amounts of vaccines but has ADD, my middle was “accidentally” given his round of 6th grade vaccines great grades but can have anger issues. My oldest is ready for college in a year. she seems to be the ” healthiest” of my kids but admits to focus issues. Our doc will not sign off on Meningococcal vaccine. How can we get around that? I too have had rolled eyes from nurses and comments when all three of my children came down with influenza B 6 years ago. I have stuck to my guns so far but fear they may be put on a list with these waivers.

    I also wanted to suggest that parents do research how to detox their children. As stated, these effects from vaccines can come to light well into adulthood. I heard about the Mars/Venus cleanse for kids and Isagenix for 18 or older. Both of these products have websites and are non commercial.

    Any info or feedback would be appreciated!


    • Lisa, I would do whatever I could to avoid the multi-dose meningococcal vaccine since it contains toxic levels of mercury. If you have to find another doctor, I would. I would probably tell the current doc if he refuses to write an exemption that you’ll have to seek out a new doctor. I’m sorry you’ve been through something similar with medical professionals being so disrespectful and giving vaccines without consent. It’s criminal! I agree that vaccines can cause damage long-term and that the health effects may not surface until much later.


  36. There are some great groups on Facebook to join and learn more. Arnica Uk parents support is a great community. When I started my research I first looked at the government sites both UK and US and the VAERS database. The evidence is overwhelming and it convinced me never to vaccinate my children or myself again. I then watched films on YouTube such as Vaccine Nation and Autism, Made in America. Doctors such as Sherri Tenpenny, Dr Medical and Dr Wakefield are good too. Watch The Truth About Cancer series too as it is also so important and shows the true picture of modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.


  37. I can’t tell you how awesome it is to read such a thoughtful article on this topic. I’m like you, completely anti-vax and totally obsessed with the topic. My son is diagnosed with ASD and SPD and he is very obviously vaccine injured. Not a day goes by that I don’t get so frustrated with myself for being so brainwashed by our media for mass destruction and not listening to my own gut, or even researching vaccine ingredients or anything! I just feel so duped and it makes me so angry! You said it when you said they are doing this to create future patients. That is a fact. They do not care how sick they make these kids…they see money in the bank and honestly I think they want to kill us off. This will end up being a fertility nightmare for this generation of kids. I’m horrified to think that even though my kids are healthy now and won’t have any more vaccines, who will they marry? Will that person be sterile and sick because of all of this poison? It’s harrowing when you think of it. I’ve heard it called a genocide…and I absolutely believe that it is. This generation of kids is being sacrificed. I don’t know where we go from here, but we have to keep talking about it. Parents have got to wake up and save their kids from this nightmare.

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  38. Thanks for a fantastic article that covers the information. I am an ex vaxxer and now a anti vaxxer. Unfortunately my eldest daughter had a reaction to her first vaccination that set me on a path of knowledge over the last 37 years.

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